What is the cost of shippings?
Free shipping on all orders. No hidden fees.
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Please check the order details page for estimated shipping and delivery timelines specific to your purchase. Typically, once shipped, orders take 3-7 days to reach you.
If your order contains multiple items, they may arrive in separate shipments. The estimated delivery times are indicative, and sometimes delays may occur due to factors beyond our control. We’ll keep you informed of any delays.
Can I modify my order after placing it?
Unfortunately, once an order is placed, you cannot add new products to it. However, you can always place a new order for the additional items. If you need to remove products from your order, please contact our customer support team to cancel the order, so you can place a new one.
Can you expedite my delivery?
Expedited delivery times can vary by region. If you’d like to request expedited shipping, please reach to our customer support email id. Note that this service is only available for prepaid orders; we cannot expedite cash-on-delivery (COD) orders.
What should I do if my order dispatch is delayed?
We strive to deliver your products within the estimated time frame. If your package hasn’t arrived by the expected delivery date, please contact us at care@hilaryrhoda.in, and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue.
My order has been shipped. Can I track it?
Once your order has been dispatched, you’ll receive an email with your tracking number and details of the courier company handling your delivery. You can also track your order by going to My Account → Orders, and checking the status from the details page.